The Mission

It has taken me years to whittle the ideal of my life’s mission. It seems to be completely fluid. I believe that what I keep coming back to is the best launching point.

I’m not a great writer, but I’ve written hundreds of thousands of words. I’ve had hundreds of articles published for audiences that range from die-hard whitetail hunters to little old ladies, and I’ve edited thousands more from writers that far surpass my faculties. I’ve stood in front of thousands of people preaching sermons and playing music for eager and passionate hearers, and I have sat in funeral parlors with broken widows and prayed with them as they said goodbye to their husbands for the last time.

What I keep coming back to is that there are several things I can’t separate. I’ve tried. I have tried to separate faith from my writing. It drives my work ethic. I have tried to separate my passion for the outdoors from my preaching. I can’t separate my love for wild places and my love for the one who made them. I can’t separate my passion for being in the field, sharpening my skills, and sharing the saving grace of God with those who have the same affinity. It doesn’t feel wrong. It is wrong. It’s painfully wrong.

So what’s my mission? My personal mission is to be the best sportsman I can be and find ways to bring the most valuable and compelling message to this world I can. Along the way, I’ll be praying. And if not a single person chooses to read or follow, at least I can know I did what I knew I was called to do.

Work With Me

The outdoor industry is evolving and so should you. I’m always amazed at the number of companies I speak with who don’t have blogs on their websites, and who don’t have email strategies. Additionally, they aren’t communicating in valuable ways with their customer base outside of a heavily regulated social media space.

If you’re ready to adjust to the times and make value the name of the game in your company or publication. I want to work with you. Fill out the form and let’s talk.

More About The Share the Wild Collective

Share the Wild is a slogan adopted by journalist and photographer Jim Richman to express his desire for sportsmen and non-sportsmen alike to promote sustainable conservation practices with a unified voice. It was also put in place to express the need to utilize modern media to share the reality of the outdoors with an increasingly disconnected society from nature’s wonders.

The Share the Wild Collective is a call. It’s intended to push back against the discriminatory censorship of the outdoor lifestyle in mainstream social media and other outlets. It exists to feature the hungry, committed, and talented writers, photographers, and videographers who want nothing less than to share the wildlife and wild places that only sportsmen and outdoor enthusiasts can bring to the digital world. And in doing so, it is meant with all sincerity to attract all of those who believe in a holistic conservation approach to sustain healthy wildlife and wild places.

The Collective features articles, videos, and photography from all over the world with an emphasis in hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, and the like in a manner that accurately represents the lifestyle without the unnecessary need to justify a God-given right to his creation.

If you are interested in joining the Share the Wild Collective team or contributing a one-off style feature, contact us today!